Month: June 2009

Screw it!

Yeah, I was actually strategizing if I was going to blog about my findings anymore since I’m running a hedge fund. bottom line, it’s something I like to do… and…

My thoughts:We need a bottom in the housing market, and in order to get one, US interest rates must remain low until inflation and foreign investment put a bottom into…

Coal and Oil

Tommy, Glad someone looks through my notes. I just added this to my to-do list — which is currently 7 companies long. My dad ran a business called ARM Computing…

weekend recap

A market beating friend on REITs:Of the REITs, I like Winthrop (FUR), Brandywine (BDN), and Lexington (LXP) the most. There are others that I haven’t researched as thoroughly that still…

Eating Risk for Breakfast

If you are looking at the US markets, you may believe that since early march investors are waking up and pouring themselves bowls of Risk Crispies for breakfast — if…