Month: May 2009

Knowledgable Gene Franco

Ahh the macro view. I had an interesting conversation with a private equity analyst at Blackstone last month, his basic thesis was that commodity export dependent and goods export dependent…

Digest the obvious

Everyone is deriving absolutely idiotic conclusions on ACAS. American Capital’s Board of Directors will make a decision on the allocation of the dividend between cash and stock which will be…

Too Good To Be True?

Your name is Glen too? Yep, you’d think so. Because I can’t drive to their HQ’s because they are in China and deliver a punch to the face of top…

10 Best Chinese Microcaps By Glen Bradford Hi, I’m Glen Bradford. I was only trading my college tuition. As of today I am also trading my roommate’s college tuition. I…

Take the Gift?

CHFI Sold off 55% right now. 3M in volume, I believe that’s the most ever! We are sitting at $0.09. The questions you ask: Why is it selling off?Can I…

When it Rains it Pours

All I have to say is… wow! To be honest, I’m never to sure about what’s going to happen. But, if it looks stormy outside or your grandfather’s knees start…