Mel Watt might have been following me – globalspeculation at – Gmail

he’s gone now.
I just finished an article on:
1. my youtube snippet video
2. fairholme annual report
3. investorsunite Sweeney court room exchange
4. legal experts paper
I think that’s it. last month I borrowed $55,000 and picked up something like 22,000 shares. I don’t know what sort of timeline all of this will play out on but I’m at like 87k shares now, 32K of which are in retirement accounts, I still have 20,000 yellow media warrants that should be worth $400,000 sometime in the future when people figure out that it’s stable.
anyway, this year I decided that I’m fine with my trajectory and upped my rent and now live on Miami beach and increased my fixed burn rate so that now I have a marginal $50/day starting in april, but until then I’m pretty much breakeven to drowning with a cash cushion of around $5000. once I get through to april we’ll see where my credit cards and cash balances are and see if I can get some more shares but I don’t know if i’ll be so lucky… if things show signs of having a timeline I could borrow and buy another $25,000 worth. we’ll see. by that point it could only be 1000 shares.
at this point I’m just hanging out until sometime when, it’s kind of nice, I mean, nothing can stop me now. even if I lost my job and had to go homeless or got put in prison for a year or two I’d still be able to come out on the other side with millions as long as I wasn’t forced into liquidation, which I don’t think there’s any legal precedent except by appointing someone as conservator over my estate but I think that requires me to not be of sound judgment or what have you.
kind of neat, you figure that 99%+ of people work for others their entire lives and don’t even come close to what I could do from prison or from the streets at this point. so what am I doing with myself? well, I’m laying in bed on the 18th floor of a Miami beach high rise listening to the outside and two people in the other room are watching a movie … and it’s the middle of a super bowl. Miami beach is great, but I live at the flamingo, which is basically a resort.
well so that’s life, meanwhile some people I know are trapped in over a foot of snow and it feels like 2 degrees.. I’m in shorts and my door is wide open and I can see lights on the buildings twinkle deep into the night. I’ve already made the transition to the rich lifestyle more or less.. so I will be murdering time as I see fit at the hot tub, in the waves, on the beach, in the sun, walking around and more of the same.
if you have a sizable share position I encourage you to play defense against it and if you don’t but have the capacity to get one, I encourage you to take one, that’s what I’ve done and that’s what I will be doing to the greatest extent that is reasonable, one of these days, the dumb money will come roaring back in our direction when the fool’s jig is up.
until then, we have no idea when any of us are going to die, some of us won’t make it, some of us will run out of time before the clock runs out, and so to those of you where that is the case, and it may be me, take a breath, love the skin your in. enjoy the ride.
peace and love,
glen Richard bradford

By admin