the reform/release scenario is proceeding as planned. I want to clarify that this is not going to happen overnight.I understand the excitement that this revelation has caused, but it is unproductive and unwise to continually speculate on the exact timing for this to occur. There will be clear signals when the time is close, and we are not there yet.I can say that it will be done within a timeframe that will prevent a possible Republican President/Senate in 2016 will not be able to undue the release. I will continue to update everyone as this unfolds. I want to reiterate that although both parties bear equal blame as to the predicament we find ourselves in only one will play any role in our release and ultimate freedom, that is the Democrats. Republicans/Conservatives are sworn enemies of Fannie and Freddie and will go to any length to see our demise. Let me be clear, I am not the only person who has knowledge of the Reform/release plan. It had begun to be whispered amongst the highest levels of power since just before my DC trip. I still believe that this played a huge role in activist/conservative Judge Lamberth’s flawed decision. I want to note that the Republicans have made no mention of housing finance reform since they attained their huge victory. They know the futile nature of such folly. There are those Republicans who would love to see this issue just disappear as they see only two options: vote for the mew improved Fannie and Freddie or vote to retain the old Fannie Freddie. They would never publicly admit it, but they would just assume see the Democrats enact Reform/Release. But there are many others who will fight this to the end.

until Saturday, December 31, 2016 (Houston time)

By admin