Month: October 2016


The Federal Circuit entered an order this afternoon substituting Mr. Sammons’ corrected brief for his original filing and directing the Appellees to calculate the due date for their responses from…


According to two minute entries docketed today, copies of which are attached to this e-mail message, Judge Chang: (A) welcomed Fairholme’s lawyers from Cooper & Kirk; (B) invited the parties…


The Edwards Plaintiffs submitted their response to FHFA’s motions for reconsideration and a copy of the settlement agreement yesterday evening, and a copy is attached to this e-mail message.  The…


non-party files emergency motion demanding settlement agreement, is this setting history? FHFA filed an emergency motion this afternoon asking Judge Moreno to compel the Edwards Plaintiffs to give it a…


The lawyers representing the United States and Fairholme entered their appearances in Mr. Sammons’ appeal to the Federal Circuit, and copies of those filings are attached to this e-mail message.17-1015-0006…