I am the kind of guy that does well when other people do not do well. I am not good at memorization. I am good at process. I finished each section of the series 7 with about an hour to spare. I finished the 63 first pass with 6 minutes to spare. I scored a 77 which is passing but let me tell you — it’s not easy. I used some online resources and never really got the hang of stuff and realized I was in for a questionable score last night. I submitted the thing basically as a toss up, not sure whether I had passed or failed.. A fail would set me back 30 days which would be disappointing and even then I’d get to wonder if I’d be able to pass that time, so thankfully I did pass.





the investopedia thing has like 400 questions. I did about 100 of them only from 2 of the 4 sections. obviously you can tell how unrounded i studied for this thing

there was stuff on the series 63 exam that was basically unknowable based on the stuff I had read. if i had studied more i could have done a lot better. total study time was basically reading the .pdf a few times and reading through the investopedia thing 2x and then doing 100 random practice problems where i scored like 50%


oh well. i passed.

By admin