IU recap


Nov 20, 2005

alright, so IU was fun, saturday morning i woke up in this girls dorm room, cool. sunday morning woke up in some guys dorm room, didnt ever know him, in fact, unless one of my friends tells him, he wont even know i was there because i slept on his floor, but i thought that i was in my friends room, guess not, other than that, the professional baseball player that i met was pretty tight and so was his gf’s house. going to IU was worth my while, saw lots of friends, met many new people, very cool, beth, too bad u weren’t there, could have gotten your eagle on..

Bill bradford, i met Sarah from BS, she knows you?

guthry, do you honestly need to act like that? everyone else is cool and you always give off … interesting vibes, as if u dont care. rock on

danny, jordan, peter, me, and tanner; mr. CPtime, barrett? u made this awesome. we shall freestyle again in the future, tell that guy from room 18 201 that i slept on his floor, i totally missed your room and didnt even know it! i’m rockin! time to watch harry potter. the new one! beatiful beautler and them crazy kali’s friends and everyone else that i didnt mention, i’m too lazy and i need a shower! so, peace out homeskillets.

By admin