
I will make the lives around me better than they would be without me.

We spend our whole lives holding back, imagine how quickly you can succeed if you just take what you want.

Want to understand me? I’m a death aversion prim’s algorithm.

Talk – Action = Zero

For whoever has, to him more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him.

Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Reality is what you can get away with.

People ask me, “What do you do?” The problem with answering that is I very rarely do the same thing over and over. Armed with knowledge, I usually find myself waiting patiently for opportunities that go unnoticed by most to come to my attention. So, there you have it. I eagerly wait, Sun Tzu style.

The greatest risk is not taking one.
If you want it… Go get it. Period.
Unhappiness can be the biggest motivator for change.
Suspicion is the signature of incompetence.
Persistence can be effective.
Conviction is no substitute for logic.
Inventing a job is better than getting one.
Truth does not demand belief.
Be as you wish to seem.

Theory of Constraints, Metaknowledge, Kaizen, Epistemology, Black Swan Logic, Pareto’s Law, Peter Principle, Prospect Theory, ROWE, Neuroeconomics, Systems Thinking, Socratic method, Self-Determination Theory

The absolute best you can do is give someone an opportunity and incentive to take it. The choice is theirs, and theirs alone.

Likes: Autotelic, Prescience, Family, Friends, Weight Training, Long Boarding, Reddit, Intellectual Stimulation, Quality, Freedom, Intellectuality, Confidence, Individuality, Friendship, Honesty, Dedication, Vernacular, Positive Attitudes, Critical, Satisficing, Parsimony, Selective Ignorance, Adroit, Pithy, Laconic, xkcd, Syllogism, multivariate reasoning, deliberate practice, silent ringtones, GeoArb, Voluntaryism, Percussive maintenance

Dislikes: Rudeness, Trial Parties, Perpetuation of High School Politics, Ignorance, Irrationality, Liars, Short-sightedness, Vindictive, Mediocre Arguments of Continuous Rephrasal-Indecision-Unnecessary Loudness, Defective Reasoning, Aggressive Ignorance, Empty Suits, Sycophants, Hormesis, LAMB Club, Winner’s Curse, Paralysis by Analysis, Journalistic Pundints, Quarter-life crisis, Optimistic denial, Narcissism, Cognitive Dissonance, Orwellian, Dysrationalia, Irascibility, Intransigency, Persecution, Expropriation, Shoulda-Woulda-Coulda’s, Visceral Conviction, Authoritarianism, False accusations, China, Fraud, Deuteronomy 13:13-16, solemnity, hard work,
“Not gonna lie”,”I know, right?”,”…Really?”,”I told you so”,”said no one ever”,”well played”,”umm… no.”

Single doesn’t mean I’m looking for somebody.

Those who’re making an effort to fail to understand me, are not a concern of mine. – John Galt, Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

You could claim that anything’s real if the only basis for believing in it is that nobody’s proved it doesn’t exist.