Month: October 2016


17-102-002 17-102-001 Michael Sammons initiated a second proceeding before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit this past week, asking the Federal Circuit to issue a writ of mandamus saying…


16-cv-03113-0003 16-cv-03113-0002 The Collins Plaintiffs asked the Clerk to issue summonses yesterday (see Doc. 2 attached to this e-mail message), and the Clerk did so today according to the Court docket. The…


16-cv-03113-0001 A new lawsuit challenging the Third Amendment was filed today.  The lawsuit is captioned Collins v. FHFA and was filed in the Southern District of Texas.  Proceeding under the Administrative…


The Federal Circuit entered an order this afternoon accepting Cato Institute and Southeastern Legal Foundation’s Amucus Brief, and a copy of that order is attached to this e-mail message.15-5100-0082