Ms. Robinson opposes the government’s request to put her lawsuit on hold, and a copy of her filing telling Judge Thapur that is attached to this e-mail message.  Ms. Robinson urges Judge Thapur to bring a halt the government’s gamesmanship and deny their motion to stay her lawsuit.  It is well settled, Mr. Robinson argues, that a motion to transfer filed with JPMDL does not suspend all litigation in all other federal courts.  Mr. Robinson says applicable case law teaches that other advanced litigation — like her lawsuit — should continue without delay, and Ms. Robinson wants Judge Thapur to rule on the government’s pending motions to dismiss her lawsuit.  Ms. Robinson wants Judge Thapur to do exactly what he did in Williams v. Altman, Case No. 12-131 (E.D. Ky.), when he decided that “settling the jurisdictional issue now would save the parties the added expense, effort, and delay of additional briefing before the MDL Panel.”15-00109-0041

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