PricewaterhouseCoopers exercised its right today to remove the lawsuit filed against it by Freddie Mac shareholders in Florida state court to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.  A copy of the Removal Notice (Doc. 1) is attached to this e-mail message.  The U.S. District Court Clerk has assigned Case No. 16-cv-21224 to the proceeding, and the case has been assigned to the Honorable Federico A. Moreno.  Sedgwick LLP is representing PwC in this matter.

PwC delivered a Notice (Doc. 5) to the Court today advising that this case is related to Edwards v. Deloitte, and a copy of that Notice is attached to this e-mail message.  That may cause a reassignment of this case or Edwards v. Deloitte or both.16-cv-21224-000116-cv-21224-0005

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