15-00047-0069 15-00047-0068 Magistrate Scoles approved FHFA and Treasury’s request to file their Motion to Reinstate a Stay of the Deadline to File an Administrative Record and a Brief in support of that request under seal and file a redacted version for public consumption.  Following entry of that order, FHFA and Treasury filed the sealed and redacted versions of their Motion.  Copies of the Order and Redacted Motion are attached to this e-mail message.  FHFA and Treasury stick to their positions that no facts make any difference in this case because HERA insulates them from all shareholder litigation. The Delaware Shareholders encourage Judge Sleet to accept Timothy Howard’s Amicus Brief and allow the facts Mr. Howard relates to illuminate the absurdity of the limitless power FHFA and Treasury believe HERA granted to them.  A copy of the Delaware Shareholders’ filing is attached to this e-mail message.15-00708-0035

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