
Individuals With Access to Protected Information in Fairho…



Re: Fairholme v. U.S. – globalspeculation@gmail.com – Gmail

Judge Sweeney entered a Second Amended Protective Order Monday after granting Perry’s lawyers at Gibson Dunn access to the sealed materials Fairholme lodged with the D.C. Circuit.

The Second Amended Protective Order, a copy of which is attached to this e-mail message, differs from the Amended Protective Order (Doc. 217) be the addition of:

— the word Second in the document’s title; and

— the “or any person permitted to have access by order of the court” to the list of people in the fourth numbered paragraph who are permitted access to confidential discovery materials.





Judge Sweeney entered an order (Doc. 257) under seal yesterday denying Fannie Mae’s motion to kill the subpoena reportedly directed to Egbert Perry.

By admin