September 16:

The fact that they went ahead with the pay raise vote without attaching the jump start part was a huge victory.If they thought they had any chance of tying Obamas hands by not allowing Treasury to sell/retire the shares they would have kept them together.
They didn’t want their Jump Start failure to keep playing out in the press as it had been the last few days, so they let the pay raise vote fly alone.
Remember the jump start bill made it so Congress would have the final say if and when Fannie and Freddie could exit conservatorship.This would have both easily passed and not attracted much attention if everyone truly believed that this battle needs to be resolved by Congress and or the courts.This only mattered if one believes the administration may end this administratively.

September 11:

I am very aware of the Bill that Rep. Mulvaney has been working on with a key Democratic Rep. A bill has not been introduced as of yet, and the details are still being worked out. I am encouraged by what I have heard and this may help us immensely. I do not want to share anything that could derail this or hurt us in any way.
Please let us try and welcome those that have been shifting their views. Just because one may not agree entirely with us the fact that they have shifted to be open to a reformed released GSE scenario is a huge deal. Anyone willing to consider this is a friend of ours.

September 6:

Yes the necessary capital is easily within reach. Also the risk sharing reforms have accomplished much to lessen the need for high capital.

August 31:

I can unequivocally state that President Obama will not be turning this over to a new administration in 2016.

assemblage from timhoward717 $FNMA #FANNIEGATE August 2015

Tuesday August 25:

  • This marks a radical shift on the side of our opponents. This shift should not be viewed lightly as they would never have surrendered so much ground if they were not convinced that defeat was certain. I have confirmed that some of the leading voices on their side have acknowledged that a shift within the administration prompted their sudden reversal.

Monday August 24:

  • As far as the mediation talk I will share this from the “Appellate Mediation Program.”

Thursday August 13:

  • I have heard whispers that fractures are developing within the high command.

Tuesday August 4: 

  • Based on concrete data that I have obtained through those close to Rep. Mulvaney and other key players It has been identified that the Republicans primary concern is that the GSEs be forced to hold ten percent capital. The Democrats primary goal is to lock in the trust funds and mandates that ensure equal access for all Americans to the mortgage market. We also know that the Administration would like to see the lawsuits resolved by the end of the summer.

Sunday June 14:

  • Based on what we have heard and the Leadership Councils memo we know they are prepared to use their influence and power to push for the commonsense reform/release of the GSEs.

By admin