I was asked the other day, for probably the thousandth time, what made you the way you are? I’ve attached a 4 page .pdf document at the end of this. Honestly, I’m just a summation or product if you will, of all my previous experiences. Yes, it is true that I don’t know how on earth I got an MBA. Statistically, I should have failed several classes that in my opinion didn’t make one bit of sense, but are considered by most entry level Corporate Finance classes. These were required courses, and I did a good job of blending in with the rest of my classmates. My goal was to slide under the radar undetected and simply squeak by. My grandma requested that I finish my MBA and honestly… that’s the majority reason I did. Great Success.

Without going into lots of depth in all my life experiences where I’ve used basic statistical analysis, the Socratic method, scientific theory, and empirical evidence to guide my logic and reasoning — I’ll just pull the one that cracked the bull-whip and caused the transformation within me that can be summarized by a quick quote:

Our default reflex is that the world knows what it is doing, and that is extravagant nonsense, -Jeremy Grantham


By admin