Coal and Oil


Jun 1, 2009


Glad someone looks through my notes. I just added this to my to-do list — which is currently 7 companies long.

My dad ran a business called ARM Computing for 15 years. I am just carrying on the legacy.

A couple things:

1. Your notes reflect that you dig deep enough and that you have a sense of what you are looking for. That’s a plus.
2. If I had any advice, or a cautionary statement — make sure you never get caught up in 1 company and try to continue to prove that it is a good value. Always be nimble and always be comparing that which you are invested in to that which you could be invested in. If you like another opportunity better. Switch.

A couple similar companies off the top of my head that you might be interested in/familiar with

Cneh, lpih, I think snen too. (snen is not a buy for me, but it’s interesting)


Sclx, chgy, pudc

Anyway, I’m sure there are more. The bottom line: Find the best way to allocate your money so that you are the most confident that you will not lose. I can’t emphasize that enough. By doing that, with that mindset, you should do fine. The trick is figuring out what not to own instead of wasting lots of time evaluating 1 single potential opportunity. I call this relative valuation.

Maybe I have no idea what I’m talking about, but empirical evidence suggests otherwise,


—–Original Message—–
From: Tommy Gallagher [mailto:thomasmgal
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 9:51 PM
To: Bradford, Glen Richard
Subject: Re: CCGY

Hey Glen – congrats on getting the hedge fund started up. I wish you
luck. Does the ARM name have any significance? How’d you come up with

A stock I came across tonight is CCGY – China Clean energy. Looks
like it may have bottomed in early March at .10 cents. With the
increase in diesel margins today of 8% and their new facility coming
online in September – this may be decent bargain. Their earnings
weren’t impressive for last year or the first quarter. I didn’t see
this in any of your round robins and was wondering if you’ve looked
into this stock at all. At 20 cents its pretty inviting. they were
initially on the docket to present at the china rising conference, but
they didn’t. I’m not sure why Glass half empty – i should stay away,
there is a bad reason why they didn’t present, couldnt get their act
together, were disinvited etc…glass half full – too much going on
with the economy, not enough time, another, some other benign reason
and now not everybody knows about this stock yet since it didn’t
present and its an opportunity.

looks like it is getting some notice with 175k volume today.

Below is the link to the china conference website showing they were
originally scheduled to present and a piece of their quarter
filing…let me know what you think.



By admin