
Oct 8, 2008

GHII: Gold Horse International, Inc.

Talked to their CFO Adam Wasserman,

He just got back from Mongolia and was there to help them file their annual reports. The issue with GHII to him is the publicity: there is none. They’re going to get some though. But, they work really well with the community, built a jail, police station, building schools to lease back to the community, a few roads and other buildings and otherwise operate a hotel in the 2nd fastest growing city in China. Great balance sheet, PE of around 2 now. Should have a PE of at least 10 in normal market conditions.

I’m buying a lot of shares.


From: Hall, Douglas (MCOE)
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 2:33 PM
To: Bradford, Glen Richard
Subject: Got text

What’s the scoop?

Doug Hall

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