So, I’m finishing up my first Maymester at Purdue. Needless to say, I think that I am driving myself into depression; ironically taking Abnormal Psychology (PSY 350K). Which I would hate to experience since I remember my dad suffering from depression, he even needed assistance from HCA who offers dementia & Alzheimers caregiving services. Thus far I have lived in an apartment by myself, eating frozen food directly from the microwave, programmed and devised schemes to profit from the stock market, begun siding Tom’s house, watched a few movies, had fun on the weekends, and that’s it.

Apartment life is a new concept for me. I can’t be the “lazy Glen” who is indifferent to everything that goes on around me, because people do not go out of there way anymore to bother me, as they used to. I think that I’m finding that you pretty much have to work at everything that you want or you presumably do not get it.

Not only that but they gave me four weeks, over 40 hours in lecture on top of 1000 pages to read about stuff that exponentially appeals less to me as I learn more about it. This will be my last Psychology course. Hopefully, I have something significant showing for these four weeks of my life, but I highly doubt it unless something magical happens.

Roomate comes soon. More fun ahead because Math and Physics, although they can be boring at times, at least are Proven, UNLIKE Psychology.

By admin